Long long time ago, on 1919, there was a rich yet powerful merchant living in the area. Everybody respect and fear him. Just like any rich merchant, he likes women to fulfill his lust. Any women who were chosen to be his will be filled with treasures that one can never imagined.
But this obsession of the merchant often lead to tragic ending, because there were so many women that want to be his wife or concubine and tried to kill one another.
On one very lovely day, the merchant would choose his 123rd concubines, there were four beautiful women left that the merchant could hardly choose which one he wanted. So he gathered them altogether in the castle to serve him
Turned out that night would be one of the most tragic night in the castle. The night that supposed to be the most beautiful night filled with joy, laughter, and happiness had become the night that would witness their death. Their heart weren't as beautiful as their face, they hated each other, envied each other, that in the end they poisoned each other.
Until the point where this story is written, the castle is still closed for public because the souls of those brides are still haunted the castle and waiting for one rich merchant to marry them.
The End.
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pas masih kece nih haha |
jadi itulah kolaborasi kami (rini, nila, riyanti) dan sang fotografer cantik gita yang merupakan pemilik dari absconding reality photography house.aye aye makasih gita, riri, nila, dan rini buat kerjasamanya, i'm so happy~ next kita bikin yang lebih edan ya mihihi :))))
ketika narsis belum tuntas juga
whoaaaa mantap bgt va matamu sungguh menghipnotis ~ <3
BalasHapusmata suzana ituuuu T.T hahahah makasih cuyung :*
HapusUwahh,,, Rini bikin pangling :D Iva tjanteek~ :p
BalasHapusiya rini pokoknya disini ga boleh jadi korean noona lagi, dan berhasil! cantik ya rinceu hihi
Hapusmakasihhh sabrinaaah :*
mak suzanaaaaa :*
yuks kapan lg nih foto lebi edan? XD
akirnya ketemu iva jg, kapan2 kumpul2 cantiks lagi yaaaa <3
ya bang bokir?hahahaha
Hapusyuk kapan? akuh mau hahaha emg biasa dandan g waras soalnya :P
ayuk kapan2 kita main yaa <3 kmrn ga sempet ngobrol banyak abisan kt riweuh haha , etapi seneng bgt bisa main brg2 kalian loh, rumahku rameee :D
hahahhaa kapan yakss? itu yg makeup halloween iva yg satu lg yg boneka itu serem banget lho beneran ;_;
Hapusiyaa ribet krn ngejer wktu jg...
hahhaaha.. sneng jg bs main bareng ivaaaaa :D kan kan kangen ayam bakarrrrr :9
mbakyuuuu... itu kenapa pas jadi jurig ka Iva nya mirip Suzanna ya?? >.< kalo ka Iva jadi Suzanna aku rela deh jadi bang bokir...
BalasHapusih aku kan emg mirip suzana kalo dimekapin gini *pengakuan hahahaha :)))) (ini kata yg lain juga loh)
Hapusbener ya? aku kebeneran nih lagi pengen sate, bang bokir :))
Asiiiikkkk nih ada ceritanya hahahhaha....
BalasHapushuahahahaha iya sekalian bisa dibaca sebelum bobok :'D
Hapusall of you did a great job! also gita yang udah fotoin hihihih
BalasHapusBeauty Appetite